Monday, June 2, 2014

The problem is that the government has decreed AENA to sell and raise cash to continue paying the d

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CGT absolute condemnation of the state of alert declared by the government, netcredit which means the suspension, in practical terms, constitutional rights and the worst is to apply this state of alarm due to a labor dispute.
This is a very serious precedent, as from now we could be witnessing the suspension of the right to strike, and in any sector where workers netcredit have ability and strength to defend collective rights. A state of alarm was only previously imposed in a democratic state by Republican President Reagan to bend and legitimate rights of American workers.
CGT denounced the authoritarian attitude with which the government is acting to approve by decree netcredit the state of alarm, that is, the mobilization of drivers and controllers using them military code, and the decree of militarization Airspace Spanish, being unable netcredit to solve problems in a democratic way, being unable to reverse the neoliberal drift is causing the largest known attack in the recent democratic period against labor and social rights of workers and and classes.
For CGT unacceptable that the Zapatero government has to resort to the army in 2010 to address the social problems that they are causing, solely responsible for violating the collective netcredit agreement, decree are to reduce working hours and time Decree of labor rights, demonstrating netcredit their total incompetence in the way of tackling problems.
The government netcredit can not continue to act to force through decree-law on the right to collective bargaining and labor and social rights, demonstrating netcredit absolute contempt for the rules of democracy and placing workers in extreme situations, to a way of acting authoritarian, militaristic and savage.
The problem is that the government has decreed AENA to sell and raise cash to continue paying the debt we have incurred

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