Sunday, June 1, 2014

Elaine Fox explains that fear is the result of actions initiated by the amygdala more sensations pr

Millions of years of evolution have given us different brain systems and the most powerful is what Elaine Fox called "emergency brain" and in the entry of 12 October 2013, called it "system alarm. " This system operates at the speed of light and records for all hazardous events in our memory. gun vault When there is a present or imminent threat, the system releases adrenaline in our blood stream, causing an increase in the rate of respiration, heart rate and makes you sweat. These reactions allow us to react when we are in danger, preparing us to rush out and adopt a fighting stance. This response is called the "fight or flight".
Once implemented, this system dominates all others. gun vault And one of the structures that command the system is the amygdala, which is activated when it detects certain dangers quickly and makes the rest of the brain stop what you are doing and focus on the threat detected. And this can be done thanks to the connections of the amygdala to the rest of the cortex are more numerous than the other way around, so your commands activate a fear response are more effective than those of the prefrontal cortex reminding us that we must keep calm, because the danger is not real.
Elaine Fox explains that fear is the result of actions initiated by the amygdala more sensations produced by the activation of the insula. The calm before a possible threat is the result of activation of certain specific parts of the prefrontal cortex that mitigate the response of the amygdala. Thus, before gun vault a danger, would force activating fear responses originating from the amygdala and a calming force personified by inhibiting the activity of the prefrontal cortex.
Activation of alarm centers may sensitize the brain and make emergency is more active, reaching stimuli and promote negative thoughts, weakening the inhibitory centers and causing pessimism that can lead to anxiety. Once activated by the brain, logic is suspended gun vault so that the concerns go collapse of our awareness.
The truth is that we owe our survival to emergency brain. In fact, the amygdala plays a very important in inhibiting risky behavior and, moreover, thanks to her we are able to realize when we can not trust certain people can do defraud gun vault us or harm us. But it can also become the main obstacle to enjoying a life optimistic.
Again, as in the case of the balance between desire and control (see entry on November 1, 2013), the optimal operation that would allow us to enjoy the benefits of the fear centers ( the strength activator) and control mechanisms of prefrontal circuits (which inhibit the amygdala when activated too).
Fiction, empathy and booksellers. Thanks, Fausto!
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