Saturday, May 2, 2015

10: 20h Priorities for the European Commission in favor of business innovation

The Innovation Factory Vigo held on Wednesday January 28 the conference smoke alarms "FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR INNOVATIVE PROJECTS", whose main objective is to report smoke alarms on the various instruments existing public funding for innovative projects.
10: 20h Priorities for the European Commission in favor of business innovation "The SME instrument" Esther Casado. smoke alarms Dept. Of Industrial Leadership. Division of EU programs at the Center for Industrial Technological smoke alarms Development (via Skype) Marta Arenas. Environmental Technical Assistance. Alvariza smoke alarms (Spin off from USC)
11: 00h Galicia participation in programs CDTI Raul Garcia. Head of ICT area the Department of Transport Energy, Manufacturing and Digital Society. Center for Industrial Technology Development Project beneficiary SMEs INNTERCONECTA Pablo Dago. Researcher. GRADIANT - Telecommunications Technology Centre of Galicia
12: 10h Practical experiences of innovation projects funded smoke alarms CONNECT CEO DME instrument. Sergio Quiroga da Terra hyphae. Managing Director. Ecocelta 12: 50h financial instruments business projects Xunta Norberto smoke alarms Penedo. Director of the Department of Competitiveness. Esther IGAPE Dagá. Developer partner. Bialactis 13: 30h Networking / bilateral meetings 14: 15h Closing and conclusions
Port area Bouzas s / n. Zona Franca. Office C-2, 36208 Vigo Tel: 986 22 71 35 Disclaimer

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