The mobile application 'Brightest Flashight Free' has deceived users about how their location home security cameras information was shared with the networks of co Placement of advertising and other companies, according to the Federal Trade Commission of the Status States. So the private information of the users of this popular home security cameras app for Android has been sold to its backs.
'Brightest Flashight Free' is a free phone application available only for phones with Android. Its installation Installation allows the device to function as a flashlight regardless of model or brand of phone. The creator of this application was GoldenShores Technologies, LLC, a registered when more than 50 million free downloads by Android users. The business is carried out through the sale of personal information of users. Demand for the Federal Trade Commission of the United States exposed the privacy policy of the company was responsible for misleading its users, not the mode of the application home security cameras that sent the reported location and unique ID of the device home security cameras to third parties . So GoldenShores Technologies removed benefit stealing users' personal data and selling them to other companies among these advertising networks that could send ads to users affected. In the same letter of the Commission pointed to the company's applications for mobile deceived its consumers to give them an option to "not sharing information", even though the data sent automatically Personal other companies. Thus, the ability to block this trade location and the unique home security cameras identifier of the device to third parties was unreal, not offered this alternative.
However, despite the lawsuit brought by the Federal home security cameras Trade Commission of the United States, the application remains available in the Google Play market. With the knowledge of the trade of the personal data of users 'Brightest Flashight home security cameras Free' is recommended that no new downloads are made, as it is doing business in a misleading personal information of its users. Also, users who already have this app installed installed is recommended that you uninstall lin to prevent trade with your current data.
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