Saturday, November 29, 2014

Autumn tree leaves, as you know, begin to paint. When the leaves turn yellow videology and pink, th

Home About Ziemcieties plants Herbs and Vegetables berry fruit trees Fertilization Plant protection Stārījumu installation Cams Garden Vegetable Garden Combining children Hedge Garden Zoning Front yard seating area holding area Instruments Consultation Contacts
Leaf drop is a way of adapting to the plants to be able to cope with adverse environmental conditions. Our latitudes, it is primarily videology the frost that occurs when approaching winter. Then the frozen ground plant can no longer pick up water. Pages is the most important organ through which the plant from the soil builds up water. It can be said that the page is the main driving force of water, because they are full of small pores, so-called atvārsnītēm through which water evaporates or plant transpirē. The transpiration videology process is also important to ensure the water column rising up. Along with the water in the plant moves dissolved minerals that are important videology for the growth process. When the leaves fall, the flow stops almost completely. However, the leaves falling and the plant does not cause any injury because the plant is sufficient quantity of light necessary for photosynthesis in our country already provided for in August. The days are getting shorter, the nights - longer. This is the most important signal that determines lapkriša videology onset.
Autumn tree leaves, as you know, begin to paint. When the leaves turn yellow videology and pink, they soon fall. This page coloring is formed videology so that the leaves begin to degrade chlorophyll - the green pigment, which is the most important light energy linking. Consequently, it begins to gain the lead for the other pigments in plant leaves videology is actually present even when they are green, but the presence of chlorophyll is not visible.
Autumn temperatures drop, day length decrease and other factors begin to be synthesized enzymes (enzymes) which breaks down the cell wall substances. Therefore, the approach Lapkritis begin to lose intercellular contacts. When these substances are completely lifted videology enough to have a stronger breeze or the rain of gas to fall leaf itself.
This begs the question - whether the plant, reaching the leaves do not remain an open wound through videology which can penetrate phytopathogenic? Top of the stem at the base closer to the trunk before the sheet dropped, formed another - korķšūnu - zone. When the leaves fallen, it can see how the page foot. In this area of the cell wall and prevents calcifying phytopathogenic penetrate tissues.
Conifers in winter leaves dropped, since they are very specific morphological structure. Needles, known are needles shape and thus a very small surface area pages. Pores (atvārsnītes) needles are very deep-set. This adjustment due to transpiration in winter videology is minimized. Needles videology approaching cold season, do not lose chlorophyll and flaking. Top of the cold season remains to certain imports, such as rhododendron genus of plants. It leaves videology a large island Curl and clings videology to the trunk, so atvārsnītes are protected videology from large wind blow through evaporation videology and plant leaves falling.
Greenery Soil Plant Protection Plant diseases of fruit trees Pear Basil Kids Nature Hedge Garden Design Aesthetics works Vegetables Herbs Grass Currants Potato Pests decorative shrubs Privets Fertilizer Fertilization Weeds berry and fruit trees pH Front yard flower beds Weeding Solar radiation videology coniferous Acid bed Bulb Planting Seeds Tomatoes Tūjas Tūja brūnēšana Black- Summer Perennials flowers Strawberries apple trees Shadow Lawn
For plants Ziemcieties Herbs Vegetables berry and fruit trees Fertilization Plant protection Stārījumu installation Cams Garden Vegetable videology Garden Combining children Hedge Garden Zoning Front yard seating area holding area Instruments Consulting
2012 SIA Almond

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