Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Five materials using various graphical shape into Individually: Gold (round, dots), wood (rectangul

Share: Posted on :2011-10-05 17:23
Five materials using various graphical shape into Individually: Gold (round, dots), wood (rectangular, straight), fire (triangular or diamond), water (curved, wavy), earth (square). This gives several shapes psychological feeling is not the same. Circle gives the impression that perfection, harmony, giving the impression of a solemn rectangular, triangular people feel lively, but unstable, curved so that the feeling flow rhythm. sstv Residential planning and design, the use of a combination of various sstv shapes change and can regulate people's mood mood words. From the feng shui point of view, different shapes suitable in different sstv locations. sstv For example, the room, it should Founder, avoid irregular. Like a fish tank and a vase, we also introduced its shape and placement. Here revisit what shape the room. Individually shaped material sstv into five elements: gold (round dots), wood (rectangular, straight), fire (triangular or diamond), water (curved, wavy), earth (square). sstv This gives several shapes psychological feeling is not the same. Circle gives the impression that perfection, harmony, giving the impression of a solemn rectangular, sstv triangular people feel lively, but unstable, curved so that the feeling flow rhythm. Residential planning and design, the use of a combination of various shapes change and can regulate people's mood mood words. From the feng shui point of view, different shapes suitable in different locations. For example, the room, it should Founder, avoid irregular. Like a fish tank and a vase, we also introduced its shape and placement. Here revisit sstv what shape the room.
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