Friday, December 20, 2013

Albert Heijn has between bonus items this week Camera Connection Kit stand, which you can import dv

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Albert Heijn has between bonus items this week Camera Connection Kit stand, which you can import dvr your iDevice dvr via an SD card or a USB cable pictures. According to the packaging the accessory works with the iPod, iPhone and iPad, but in practice this turns out to be wrong: Only on the iPad you can use the tool you take pictures inside. Connect your iPhone or iPod touch, then the Camera Connection Kit does not work properly. It seems to be a misleading message, which has now been reached. Attention to the Consumers Buyers can get their money back. The camera connection kit only works on the iPad is not surprising: Apple's official option does not work on the iPhone and iPod, a device that connects to your iDevice dvr in the same way. The packaging of Apple Connection Kit is only mentioned dvr that he works on the iPad only.
The Camera Connection Kit costs 10 for regular customers dvr and 7 for those with Bonus card. In comparison, the Apple Camera Connection Kit costs 29 euros, so a clear difference in quality was to be expected. While customers can get at Albert Heijn their money back, the supermarket says no plan to pick up. Accessory from the shelves However ensures a spokesman Albert Heijn versus the Consumer that you do not need a receipt to exchange the accessory.
On my iPad 3, the adapter does not work. After connecting, I get no response from my iPad. It does not open a window and I see no pictures. Tried everything, but I can not get it working.
muppet said on August 8, 2013 at 19:05
@ Jan: Sure did. This keyboard is manufactured dvr in China and when I call to China tomorrow and 100,000 would decrease, I can put my name to. There In other words, this keyboard is not designed for AH or something, the chances are that the HEMA, Action, Dixons, etc. Paradigit dvr a similar product (could) sell. In other words, OEM.
@ Daan OEM indeed means that the logo of another can stand, but it does raise a product dvr of the original manufacturer, in this case Apple. If it is not original Apple, then so called OEM, but it's not just a third party accessory.
This is indeed NOT certified dvr counterfeiting and should never be sold, this is the same caliber as the counterfeit chargers (which in fact already dead with cases). That manufacturers should be! Shut down
Just that connection dvr kit purchased from AH for 6.99. Works fine on my iPad 3. Besides, in addition also be used to connect a USB keyboard for photos, USB microphone (often better than clipped bluetooth works) if you want to give in to Skype. Stronger sound
There are / were also sold iPhone cables by AH. That work fine to charge only the charger does not work. Using the USB port on my MBP Sometimes the phone will be charging but shortly dvr after it stops again. You can not join the iPhone sync with iTunes. dvr If I reset the MBP remains suspended even in the boot process when the cable is connected. You could say that it is unfortunate that AH provides such bad cables, but I honestly think that Apple a big finger in the pie and is charging and syncing via USB is simply impossible if it is not an official Apple cable. And that's actually quite sick and the EU would agree should examine best as anti-competitive.
Camera Connection Kits used to work fine on iOS 6 (iPad), however, iOS 7 has built in limitations. dvr Without licenses, these units do not work completely (to download any video), dvr but also Chinese laadk

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