Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Latvians and other Indo-European peoples is not only a state of nature, but also an ancie

Christmas Latvians and other Indo-European peoples is not only a state of nature, but also an ancient religious symbol. White religion was based on a common perception of the world, so naturally the observed regularities (Principles) were extended to processes of individuals and society as a whole. Exactly the same principle searches all walks of life made it possible to create a white religion (dievestību), which still has all unconsciously axis a part of European civilization as its spiritual kernel.
Christmas in nature is a condition axis where there is the least sun (light), so the whole material world is degraded and stiffened. As early as the autumn, the laundry time starts death of nature and decay processes - trees pouring pages, jaundice and dry grass and living creature preparing for winter sleep. Christmas lights in the least, but at the same time start the Sun and light (solar subsidiary) return.
Lime leaves klāstīdama
Dainu beauty is figurative language, which allows them to perceive axis different levels of understanding. Someone they are glamorous descriptions of nature, but any deep philosophical and religious knowledge source. And both the one and the other is true in Basic relations are the same for both natural and man and society.
Also, a man like God is born at Christmas, when his soul back from the laundry kingdom, followed by youth - spring, axis maturity - Summer, axis age and dying - autumn, and it all starts again from the tip of Christmas. That is the fall, when the whole Wildlife dying and going to sleep in the winter, we honor their ancestors - late. Linen at a feast in the tradition of the family shall be the senior representative of the solemn and serious ritual.
On the other hand, plays an important role in Christmas amusing Budel, whose performances are actively involved in children, thus symbolizing the start of a new cycle. This cycle is an integral part first began dancing axis with death, depicting the dark and freezing trespassing and life revival. Christmas ritual of strong ties with the rebirth is also confirmed by the so-called "Ruta mouse" axis motif dainās where questions and answers are in the form set out in the world in continuous transformation. The same mouse with your beer and winter reliving symbolizes the global preservation and renewal.
Its share of clarity, a guest speaker. It is believed that the Indo-European cultures Sound M was used to describe maternal and material. Virtually all Indo-European languages (eg English, Latvian, German, Russian, Latin and dead) mother's designation begins with this sound. Latvian mother's religion concept axis stored in the two main attributes of female deities - Mara (Mother of the Creator, Matter) and happiness (time mother, goddess of fate).
This fact can be used universally and death and the birth of the concept of explaining. "M" and "puts" is the decomposition axis of the material world, which is closely linked to the nature of sunlight, but human life to the soul. The word "grant" has another meaning - paddle. Here you can see the relationship with the people of Indo-European myth of the laundry and the river boat, which transferred the dead on the other side - linen kingdom. However, the word "Sex" and "Mt" reflects the recovery of the material world, because root "deep" is based on the word "life" axis and "M" refers to the matter. Birth naturally resumes with a light, but a person's life with the return of the soul.
Directly from the Indo-European (white) of the ancient religion axis of God arose tale about the birth of Christmas. God's word is associated with the origin of the Sanskrit concept of DVE - light lunch. Winter solstice begins this light triumphal procession, which stands axis figuratively at birth:
Light and dark, presence and absence of borders and the associated transformation cognition is not only esoteric and writers (think of Rainis: all the world and ļimst window - in the depths of darkness light is born) object of interest. Also, the world's leading researchers in the universe are worried about the Big Bang (the light - energy jet) and the black hole (dark - energy loss) problem. This, together with the absence of pin everything and everything disappears absence. Recent theories of the universe confirms that migrations also characteristic of the universe, space and time in the disappearance of black holes is not nothing but a manifestation of matter in this new universe on the other side of our reality in the form of the Big Bang. In fact, it is just a complementarity (complementarity, balance) attribution theory on the structure of the universe - that one side is lost, it occurs elsewhere. This theory also explains the emergence of the whole than as the absolute opposite of itself contains an absolute power - the craving for their expression, association with its opposite each other.
Hence the Latvian & sca

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