Saturday, October 4, 2014

The participants remain anonymous to the public, their data and information will be treated confide

In connection with a study of the so-called bird strike (see our preliminary report) examined the use of local cable Hainburg home or business owners whose windows or mirrors (outdoors only) were already affected laterns by the impact of birds. The participants selected areas on the disk or the mirror are highlighted within the study period of 6 months with a colorless, transparent special pen. For the human eye "invisible" markers reflect the ultraviolet light of the sun, however, be perceived by the perceptual light spectrum laterns of the birds as an obstacle.
Any ascertained perceptions of a bird strike on the study object (glass or mirror surface), whether by noise, impact marks or the discovery of a fatally injured animal * were in a service record, at best with a camera (mobile phone) to photograph.
The participants remain anonymous to the public, their data and information will be treated confidentially; relevant perceptions within the study evaluated anonymously. Taking care of the study subjects throughout the study period made solely by the OEL Hainburg.
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