Tuesday, May 20, 2014

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Palabuhanratu - The case of a traffic accident (lacquer then) in Sukabumi Police declined jurisdiction in 2013 amounted to 101 037 deaths case with 27 441 people, compared to the year 2013 as many as 117 949 cases with the death toll 25 157 people. "We admit the case lacquer then in 2013 decreased 14 percent and 8 percent for fatalities. This is a concrete step in realizing ptz 2013 our security, safety order and the smooth traffic on the highway," said Adj So Sukabumi Police AKP. Zainul Arifin, told reporters after the declaration of a national movement of traffic safety pioneer, Sunday (26/1) on the road Siliwangi Palabuhanratu. According to him, the socialization of the national movement pioneer applicable traffic safety in Indonesia is to reduce the number of lacquer then increasing. Public perception of traffic safety have been built since the time now. "Cases in Indonesia lacquer then 5th in the world order. Then it is necessary to suppress the decrease in lacquer then. Thing it needed awareness of the public in the orderly traffic while on the highway," said Zainul. He called on the public lining the highway users in order to maintain security, safety and orderly traffic, ptz 2013 so that the case can then be minimized laka in Sukabumi. "Awareness should start masyakarakat improved. ptz 2013 Obey traffic laws on the highway, ptz 2013 so what is our goal in reducing laka all then can be realized," he said. Same place, Then Police Chief Unit Laka Iptu Sukabumi. Dean added, then lacquer case to take lives do not need to happen again in Sukabumi ptz 2013 district police jurisdiction, if motorists obey the rules orderly traffic on the highway. "Case Parhana (18) and then in 2013 the victim ptz 2013 laka origin Middle Reef, Cibadak, his right leg to be amputated, a proof that the required safety and order in traffic on the highway," he said. Further such events Parhana Deni, should be a concern of all walks of highway users. This case should not happen to other motorists while on the road. "We have strived community must take the lead in traffic safety and a culture of safety as a need," he concluded. (M1/m2/m3) ptz 2013
Palabuhanratu - Learning Communities to report the individual teacher in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) Education regency ...
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