Wednesday, April 16, 2014

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Science and Technology
Google has built into smartphone scanner environment. The user only has to walk through the apartment with a smartphone to mobile phone made its 3D-model. Then he went to a furniture store and furniture picks, using this model. Information from other smartphones collected download torch by other users, can be used to help navigate inside buildings.
Thank you! But do not want to narrow the topic. download torch
Of course, this is not something completely new. Tachometers architects have long enjoyed. Ya for example, met with these devices in 2004. Even then, they have helped to build three-dimensional models of objects to be scanned. For example, helped to reconstruct the Manezh in Moscow after the fire.
Erunda.otklyuchaeshGPS.i tpA if the SIM card through vtorzhenie.eto criminal offense.
To onstantin February 24, 13:57
yes they sit at home and lead soldier from their computers - you are on the right, the left and you postavte sniper on the roof if that'll cover android download torch (UAV) will send. Brown Revolution ended and what came - economic growth at the expense of other economies collapse.
M erkury February 25, 8:22
Also Guga all scanned. I saw it as a replacement of the analog download torch telephone network equipment to digital. Who saw what brought (out of curiosity, on a smoke break), and since I am guided in these things, I saw that the monitoring equipment of Russian secret services (as they are now called FAGCI I do not know) about the same rack as digital telephony equipment. And they have a separate antenna. So we, too, everything is under control, (except those hackers who alter their phones. But okay, let them hear, scan, etc. It's a shame that we pay for spying on a double. Once when we pay taxes, and the second time fee is included in the tariff Mobile phone ...
Do not be upset, offended. You can take it in the complex. Price does not bother me in the car, brake pad taxi. I just sit in the lounge and food. And no matter how much of the payment went to petrol, oil on, on the radio and went to the taxi driver on your hands ... I'm just paying for the trip, for the final product ...
What happens: change
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