Saturday, January 18, 2014

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Scarce regulations for video surveillance systems mean that more and more often we hear about the controversy related reliance protectron to the use of CCTV cameras. Experts Academy Video Surveillance prepared proposals for standards reliance protectron of operation of these systems in cities, stores, airports, train stations and in the workplace.
The "Guidelines and directions reliance protectron for the regulation of video monitoring systems" Academy Video Surveillance shows the controls which, in its opinion, will ensure the democratic use of CCTV systems - they include: registration of video surveillance systems, a separate registration for CCTV systems that process reliance protectron data, rules of conduct observation and image recording, standards reliance protectron defining security, copying, destruction and access to recordings, control of legality and proportionality of the CCTV system, the obligation to inform the oversight responsibility of the owner and operators of CCTV for excessive interference in the privacy of monitored persons.
In a separate part of the "Guidelines" team of the Academy of Video Surveillance provides ideas on the operation of CCTV systems in cities. Experts Academy believe that the special relationship on the line of civil government make to local governments, municipal guards, police pregnant greater responsibility than to private users of CCTV systems. This raises the need to introduce additional requirements, including labor standards manager, operators, environment and positions for observation, to ensure effective and rapid response to events detected by the operators, the smooth flow of information, staff training, etc.
Academy Team Video Surveillance, at the request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sent the "Assumptions and directions for the regulation of video monitoring systems" to the Interior Ministry reliance protectron and expressed his willingness to engage in the work on the new regulatory framework.
Read the Interior Ministry presented a draft framework for visual monitoring of the Law on Control of the foundation trust Converter 1.3 Mpix, recorders 960H - Provision ISR solutions analog recorders Dedicated Network Modernization of analog CCTV surveillance Clever eye
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ul. Drilling 65 02-952 Warszawa tel: 22 651 80 00 Tel. / Fax: 22 651 92 00 ISSN: 2299-713X Privacy Policy

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